(All backgrounds still need to be photoshoped, and dont forget people the water will be animated, not a painted still picture as you see here. )
So its that time again, yes thats right folks, Ems blogg is here again.
I have basically been doing the same thing as i was last time i blogged, painting backgrounds
with watercolour.
I have discovered that working with water colours isnt as easy as i had first initially thought, although i have used them in the past i have never actually painted anything of value with them. They are a difficult medium to use in the sense that if you make a mistake its really hard to recover from. If you paint something too dark you basically have to wait for things to dry to be able to lighten them up, and by that point the paper is worn and bally. Also, when applied, they look slick and nice with the water but then when they dry, its an absolute mess!
These are just some thoughts on my painting experience.
Darren rigged up Lewis with IK handles too and we had a play around with moving him. Im really happy with the way he is moving and i love the puppet look, still a few crinkles to iron out but as i said im super happy at the moment.
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