Lewis trods along the beach, he holds a beaten up old umbrella that has many patches to cover the rips and tears.
Every so often he stops, hunches down, filters through the sand, then continues on.
A soft tinkle can be heard as light bulbs gently wash ashore.
Lewis gazes out to sea. He watches the light bulbs tumble in the waves and emerge at his feet.
He sighs and turns to stare at the dunes. Beside him a small mechanical bird softly ticks and whirs.
Lewis picks up a lightbulb and inserts it into a panel on the mechanical birds back.
Static crackles from within the bird, dials on its back move left to right, then a red cross appears on the tiny screen.
The light bulb ejects from the panel and explodes in the sand with a soft pop.
Lewis and the bird walk on, behind them a wake of defective shattered light bulbs.
The sun is high, Lewis wipes the sweat from his brow and stares up at the sky. He places the last bulb of the day into the panel on the birds back and once again the red cross flashes on the screen.
Lewis lets out a long exaggerated drawn out sigh. Lewis and the mechanical bird turn and slowly walk back towards the lighthouse.
Lewis shoves the heavy copper laden door to the lighthouse open with his shoulder.
Lewis and the mechanical bird trudge inside.
Int.lighthouse-night time
Lewis stands on the top deck of the lighthouse, his forehead pressed against the giant glass panels.
He stares out at the dark ocean, out to the horizon.
Lewis and the mechanical bird fossic amongst the seaweed and light bulbs, stopping to test them every so often.
A strange sound catches Lewis attention. He tilts his head to the side to listen and can hear the sound clearly now.
Lewis crouches down and picks up a different looking light bulb. The bulb is larger than the others with an intricate center.
His hands shake with excitement as he holds the bulb up to the sun and examines it.
He slowly inserts it into the testing panel on the mechanical birds back and after a long pause a green tick flashes up on the tiny monitor.
Lewis squeals with delight, he back flips, throws sand and swings his umbrella around in circles.
He runs to the shoreline and squints into the horizon, with a huge grin across his face.
Lewis runs back to the lighthouse with the mechanical bird scurrying along behind him.
The sun is setting as Lewis busily checks the gears and leavers of the lighthouse beacon.
He opens the glass panel covering the light and places the bulb into the socket. He polishes the glass and closes it up.
The light flickers on, fades to a small dim glow, then with a loud buzz shines so bright, Lewis falls back against the wall.
He steadies himself, spins the light and it lazily picks up momentum until the beacon is turning at a steady pace.
The beacon spins faster and faster, the Lighthouse begins to shudder. Small pebbles and bits of debris fall around Lewis, he stands back and watches with eagerness.
Metal propellers ooze from underneath the base of the beacon. The surrounding glass windows of the upper deck automatically drop away, the propellers extend outside into the night air.
ext.lighthouse-night time
The propellers chop the air and make a dense whipping sound.
The entire Lighthouse rumbles and breaks away from its foundations.
Lewis steers the Lighthouse into the clouds and beyond the earths atmosphere.
He lands the Lighthouse above the clouds, in a village surrounded by Lighthouses.
Lewis races down the stairs and bursts out into the fog, he happily creates cloud angels in the atmospheric mist that is his new garden above the clouds.