Monday, March 7, 2011

Scripts scripts scripts and more scrips

Currently finising up my 11th draft and patience is wearing very thin. Jack im taking the whole leather wings thing out, the lighthouse itself is just going to take off as it originally did in the earlier versions. Tonight im going to try and give a bit more emotion to the ending, perhaps he comes home from being banished to a different world? perhaps his family is ecstatic to see him and perhaps he isn't sure how his homecoming will be received? its going to be difficult to do this with minimal or no animation as i think there is already to much going on as it is. I was thinking something similar along the lines of 'UP' with a series of photographs giving a small backstory as to why he is there etc.
Not in a creative mood this week, so im finding this a very difficult process.
However i did grab inspiration from coloured sand today! Yay for coloured sand, i like it, and think animation wise it could have a nice texture to my beach? Its quite time consumming though as i would have to die the sand for a few hours and then dry it all day or however long it takes sand to dry. I was also researching rostrums a little bit today and i think i could make a far easier version with just a couple of clamps on two bars that will hold the glass levels, and then using a tripod and manuvering the lighting around this.
Here are a few images of coloured sands and also of a rostrum.

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