Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello everyone and welcome back!
Over the holidays i worked a hell of a lot but not on animation,
I did do a few drawings and sketches but nothing really grabbed me.
I have been struggling to find an idea this year, i have hundreds of them
but nothing really solid.
I always keep coming back to lighthouses for some reason so i decided to go with
my gut instinct and keep with the lighthouse theme.
Initially i was going to do a story from second year that i wrote and really love, but
the more i thought about it, the more it didnt seem suited for my major. It did involve a light
house but was very sad and dramatic.
After speaking with quite a few people at uni i tossed around a few ideas, such as one about
a fisherman (which i still plan to make maybe next year), Neale helped me come up with an idea
about a metal forest which i really love but couldnt visualise it properly, and i wasnt into
making a forest this year. I just couldnt stop thinking about the beach and this bloody lighthouse!

So back to square one, i wrote yet another script ( i think ive done about five different ones so far) and i enjoy the characters in this script but, after showing Huni it still needs alot of shuffling and rewriting.................................arrrrrrrrghhhh.
Not a problem, i love to write. :D
Here are a few pics i came up with:

They are a bit out of order, this one is a really quick sketch about a fisherman and a blue ringed octopus, (the octo wants to steal his coke can to live in)

This is an oil pastel, just playing with the
mediums really, there is a wolf hound in the
story i wrote last year, but this guy is way to
cute for that story.
This is Lewis! I love him for some
reason, i like his old crappy umbrella ( i say parasole
but everyone looks at me strange when i say this)
This is the guy im re writing my story for

I like this cool underwater crab
tank thing i drew, not sure what its for
but was fun to play with the oil pastels
More oil pastels, i dont like this thing
and i dont know what he is, but the colours
are cool.

This is a few sketches of a mechanical bird.
This little guy is Lewis's companion? minion? sidekick?
Finally, my light house!
First time i have really played around with
water colour paints on paper, and its so much fun!
Im a huge fan of water colours, i really like the look
you can create for some beautiful backgrounds and
shading, I would like to do my backgrounds in
watercolour and sketch over them a bit with the wacom

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