Lewis trods along the beach, he holds a beaten up old umbrella that has many patches to cover the rips and tears.
Every so often he stops, hunches down, filters through the sand, then continues on.
A soft tinkle can be heard as light bulbs gently wash ashore.
Lewis gazes out to sea. He watches the light bulbs tumble in the waves and emerge at his feet. He sighs and turns to stare at the dunes. Beside him a small mechanical bird softly ticks and whirs. Lewis picks up a lightbulb and inserts it into a panel on the mechanical birds back.
Static crackles from within the bird, dials on its back move left to right, then a red cross appears on the tiny screen.
The light bulb ejects from the panel and explodes in the sand with a soft pop.
Lewis and the bird walk on, behind them a wake of defective shattered light bulbs.
The sun is high, Lewis wipes the sweat from his brow and stares up at the sky. He places the last bulb of the day into the panel on the birds back and once again the red cross flashes on the screen.
Lewis lets out a long exaggerated drawn out sigh. Lewis and the mechanical bird slowly walk back towards the lighthouse.
Lewis shoves the heavy copper laden door to the lighthouse open with his shoulder.
Lewis and the mechanical bird trudge inside.
Int.lighthouse-night time
Lewis stands on the top deck of the lighthouse, his forehead pressed against the giant glass panels. He stares out at the dark ocean, out to the horizon.
He watches a tiny light far out into the distance, and slowly places his hand against the glass.
Lewis and the mechanical bird fossic amongst the seaweed and light bulbs, stopping to test them every so often.
A strange sound catches lewis's attention. He tilts his head to the side to listen and can hear the sound clearly now.
Lewis crouches down and picks up a different looking light bulb. The bulb is larger than the others with an intricate center.
His hands shake with excitement as he holds the bulb up to the sun. He slowly inserts it into the testing panel on the mechanical birds back and after a long pause a green tick flashes up on the tiny monitor.
Lewis squeals with delight, he back flips, throws sand and swings his umbrella around in circles. He runs to the shoreline and squints into the horizon, with a huge grin across his face.
Lewis runs back to the lighthouse with the mechanical bird scurrying along behind him.
The sun is setting as Lewis busily checks the gears and leavers of the lighthouses beacon. He opens the glass panel covering the light and places the bulb into the socket. He polishes the glass and closes it up.
The light flickers on, fades to a small dim glow, then with a loud buzz shines so bright, Lewis falls back against the wall. He steadies himself, spins the light and it lazily picks up momentum until the beacon is turning at a steady pace.
In that instant a light from the distance shines directly into the Lighthouse, it illuminates the entire upper deck in an eerie blue glow. A silhouette of a girl waves at Lewis. Lewis grins, stops the beacon spinning and aims it at the light coming from the horizon. He stands in front of his Light, creates his own silhouette and waves back to the girl. He looks through his telescope and can see a small lighthouse almost identical to his, he happily sighs and continues to make shadow puppets with his new friend.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hello everyone and welcome back!
Over the holidays i worked a hell of a lot but not on animation,
I did do a few drawings and sketches but nothing really grabbed me.
I have been struggling to find an idea this year, i have hundreds of them
but nothing really solid.
I always keep coming back to lighthouses for some reason so i decided to go with
my gut instinct and keep with the lighthouse theme.
Initially i was going to do a story from second year that i wrote and really love, but
the more i thought about it, the more it didnt seem suited for my major. It did involve a light
house but was very sad and dramatic.
After speaking with quite a few people at uni i tossed around a few ideas, such as one about
a fisherman (which i still plan to make maybe next year), Neale helped me come up with an idea
about a metal forest which i really love but couldnt visualise it properly, and i wasnt into
making a forest this year. I just couldnt stop thinking about the beach and this bloody lighthouse!
So back to square one, i wrote yet another script ( i think ive done about five different ones so far) and i enjoy the characters in this script but, after showing Huni it still needs alot of shuffling and rewriting.................................arrrrrrrrghhhh.
Not a problem, i love to write. :D
Here are a few pics i came up with:
They are a bit out of order, this one is a really quick sketch about a fisherman and a blue ringed octopus, (the octo wants to steal his coke can to live in)

This is an oil pastel, just playing with the
mediums really, there is a wolf hound in the
story i wrote last year, but this guy is way to
cute for that story.
This is Lewis! I love him for some
reason, i like his old crappy umbrella ( i say parasole
but everyone looks at me strange when i say this)
I like this cool underwater crab
tank thing i drew, not sure what its for
but was fun to play with the oil pastels
More oil pastels, i dont like this thing
and i dont know what he is, but the colours
This is a few sketches of a mechanical bird.
This little guy is Lewis's companion? minion? sidekick?

Finally, my light house!
First time i have really played around with
water colour paints on paper, and its so much fun!
Im a huge fan of water colours, i really like the look
you can create for some beautiful backgrounds and
shading, I would like to do my backgrounds in
watercolour and sketch over them a bit with the wacom

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