Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hello there

Hello everyone,

I hope your holidays have been treating you well!
I have finished a couple of puppets and sent them off
to Darren so he can rig them up with the IK handles
script that he discovered, still a few more puppets to
complete and i hope to get them done before we get
back so i can start animating straight away. I am also
going to have a play around with paints tomorrow and do
some backgrounds as im sick of working digitally and need
to break it up a little. Sometimes you just gotta get your
hands dirty! am i right? am i right? :D
Progress has been slow, i have once again had to work alot
as the bills have been piling up, unfortunately its draining
and i find it hard to get creative after standing on my feet,
and runing around for 10 hours, but i have still managed to
get a little bit done.
I met up with David, the sound engineer that is working on my
film. We sat down and went through every shot and worked out
the sound effects that are needed and discussed how they can
be created and applied etc. This was such a relief as sound is
quite a big factor of the animation and it helps alot to have someone
who knows what they are doing working on it with me.
The beginning of the animation is quite repetitive in regards to sound(waves and clinking lightbulbs) but
it does get more complex as the story builds towards the end.
We discussed soft and loud dynamics and how this can enhance the mood,
and also David had a few ideas for foley/SFX that i think will work out really

Anyways just a short hello to let you know what i have been up to, cant wait to see you
all when we get back xo