Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Here are a few different poses i will use for my model sheet. I still need a front on (anterior) view but im happy with him.

Friday, April 8, 2011

This is my final production proof of the first shot in my animation. Things will
end up being a bit different and the characters may change slightly but this at
least gives a sense of the direction im headed.

Monday, April 4, 2011

3D Mechanical Bird

This is the Maya bird that Jack Designed, but with a cartoon effect applied to it.

Lewis concept

Some Lewis.

I like this Lewis design, his arms and legs are a bit out of whack but im happy with the colour of the eyes and clothes.

Still not convinced on the shape of his

head though, but he is getting there.

Friday, April 1, 2011

This is a test that i started to create with Jack, then my software vanished and i lost the work. So i redid it again in Darrens class, he helped me with the water and also moving the land around, tilting it to help with perspective.
Just quick photoshop painting for the background, these will not be the colours used, the light house certainly wont be candy striped with red paint. But you get the idea. This shot still has the mid and foreground to be added along with the two characters, Lewis and the mechanical bird.
I realise the water is moving too quickly but it was just a test to see if it would work.